Twin screw extruder
APV 15 mm Co-rotating, Intermeshing Twin Screw Extruder
Leistritriz Nano-16 Twin Screw Extruder
Leistritriz Micro-27 Twin Screw Extruder
ZSK 30 W&P Co-rotating, Intermeshing Twin Screw Extruder
Co-rotating 30 mm Twin Screw Mixing Element Evaluator

Single Screw Extruder
3/4 ” Brabender Single Screw Extruder with: (a) Wire Coating Die; (b) Tube Die; (c) Sheet Die and 3- roll 8" Take-off System with Water Bath
1" Killion Single Screw Extruder

Reactive Extrusion
​Polymer Processing Institute has had a long history of research in reactive processing. Much of the contract research for industries is of the work conducted in one of three main categories:
Reactive Compatibilization
Create Stable Morphologies in Polymer Blends and Composites
Improve Mechanical and Thermal Properties
Monomer Grafting to a Polymer Backbone
Add Functionality/Polarity to Polymer Chains
Grafted Polymer to be used as a Compatibilizer for Polymer Blends/Composites
Polymerization Reactions
Addition as well as Condensation Types
Homo and Co polymerizations. Up to Four Monomer Components have been Investigated
Typical Goal is to Perform Polymerizations in Continuous Processing Equipment. Extrusion Equipment Primarily but not Exclusively Used
A systematic approach is used to determine the feasibility of a Reactive Polymer System. The Process/Product Development project is custom designed on a case-by-case basis. A typical approach is to investigate the system on a small-scale batch wise basis, then incorporate the information gained to pilot scale continuous equipment.

Batch Mixing (Brabender)
​Brabender batch mixers are machines for non-continuous production of
homogeneous polymer, elastomer, or other mixtures. The raw material is loaded thru
the top opening into the heated mixer bowl where it is homogenized by specially
shaped mixing blades. If connected to a drive unit (torque rheometer), the torque
and the stock temperature can be measured and recorded during the mixing
process. This torque mirrors the resistance the material opposes to the rotating
blades during the mixing process. The torque moves a dynamometer out of its
zero position. This path can be measured and visualized as a function of time.
The resulting diagram illustrates the relationship between torque (viscosity) and
temperature over the measuring time and also shows structural changes of the
The Brabender mixer can simulate on a laboratory scale all processes relevant
for the production and processing of polymers and other plastic materials, such
as compounding, mixing, etc.
For more information please contact:
Chunmeng Lu